When things don’t happen as expected…

Tips to get you back on air quickly with your Cochlear™ Osia® 2 Sound Processor

Can’t turn your Osia® 2 Sound Processor on? Or is the sound muffled?

Sometimes your sound processor may not work the way you expect. It could be a simple issue that you can fix yourself with these easy troubleshooting tips.

My sound processor won’t turn on / switches itself off

First, try restarting the sound processor

Gently open the battery door until you feel the first “click” (this ensures your sound processor is completely turned off), then close the battery door to switch it back on again.

If this doesn’t help, try replacing the battery

Hold the sound processor with the front facing you. Open the battery door until it is completely open. Remove the old battery. Remove the sticker on the + side of the new battery and then leave it for five seconds. Insert the new battery with the + sign facing upwards in the battery door. Close the battery door fully.

A further check is to make sure you are using the correct batteries. Only Cochlear™ supplied or recommended high power 675 (PR44) zinc air batteries are designed for hearing implant use.

Finally, make sure your sound processor is placed correctly

It should be placed on your implant with the button and light facing up and the battery door facing down. Also, if you have two implants, check you are wearing the correct sound processor on each implant. Your sound processor will only work on the correct implant.

I am experiencing tightness, numbness, discomfort or developing skin irritation at my implant site

Have you tried using an adhesive Cochlear™ SoftWear pad?

It is important that you contact your clinic if you experience any discomfort.  It may be that you need to change to a different magnet.  You could also try a Cochlear™ SoftWear pad.

These are optional and can be attached to the back of your device if you experience discomfort.

If you start using one, you may need a stronger magnet and new feedback calibration measurement. Contact your audiologist if you experience poor sound or magnet retention.

Do you use a Cochlear™ headband?

If so, this may be adding additional pressure on your head. Adjust your headband or try another retention aid, such as a safety line.

Your sound processor magnet may be too strong

Ask your audiologist to change to a weaker magnet (and use a retention aid such as the Safety Line if required).

I’m not hearing sound or the sound is intermittent

First, try a different program, if available. To change programs, press and release the button on your sound processor.

If this doesn’t help, try replacing the battery.

Finally, check that your sound processor is placed correctly on your head.

Sound is too loud or uncomfortable

Try turning down the volume using the Cochlear™ remote control or Cochlear™ Osia® Smart App on your compatible* device or Cochlear™ Wireless Phone Clip. If this doesn’t help, contact your audiologist.

The sound is too quiet or muffled

If turning up the volume doesn’t work, contact your audiologist.

Still need help?

We want to help you get the best from your sound processor. Reach out and we’ll assist you as quickly as possible. For any urgent concerns, please get in touch with your audiologist.

* The Cochlear™ Osia® 2 Sound Processor is compatible with Apple® devices. For compatibility information, visit www.cochlear.com/compatibility.

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Please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Always read the instructions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information.