Are you using an older generation sound processor and wondering what you could expect from Cochlear’s most advanced hearing technology?
With the newest technology, such as direct streaming, ForwardFocus,† Remote Care and the Cochlear™ Smart Apps, a next-generation sound processor offers so much more to help you enjoy life.*
More confidence
What if there were better support to help you succeed in your studies or at work? In your hobbies or sport? A new sound processor could equip you to have the confidence to achieve your goals.
More joy
What if there were a way to make those shared moments more special? A new sound processor could help you hear more clearly so you can fully experience the joys of life.
More ways to connect
What if it were possible to hear more clearly as you meet face to face, online or on the phone? A new sound processor could give you more ways to connect with the people who matter most.
Feeling more adventurous
What if you could feel more comfortable to try new activities or follow your passions? A new sound processor could help you hear more clearly so you can experience more of life’s opportunities.
Upgrading your sound processor gives you access to the latest technology without the need for another surgery. Watch this video, where Cochlear’s Andrei Ciobanu explains why moving to next-generation technology is important for all recipients, regardless of when they received their implant.
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* For compatibility information regarding direct streaming, Remote Care and Cochlear Smart Apps visit
† ForwardFocus is clinician-enabled within Custom Sound® Pro fitting software and user-controlled within the Nucleus Smart App.