Embrace the outdoors

Making use of features that help support an active lifestyle

Part of living an active lifestyle is knowing how to get the most out of your technology by understanding all the features of your device and the accessories that make living an active lifestyle possible. Meet three outdoorsy recipients that are getting the most out of their device.

Tech is a game changer for Margaret

Hearing loss is no barrier for Cochlear™ Implant recipient Margaret, who regularly enjoys aqua fit, yoga, pilates, lawn bowling, sailing and fun runs.

“My view is to get out there and live life to the full,” says Margaret. “I have always loved exercise classes, doing all sorts of things over the years.”

Understanding how to use her technology has been essential for Margaret. When she plays lawn bowls, she uses her Cochlear Nucleus Smart App to adjust the volume on her sound processor so she can hear her partner during game play.

“I change the volume to enable me to hear my partner at the other end of the green. As a team we need to be able to hear suggestions or instructions from each other.” 

Using the Nucleus Smart App, Margaret can control the connectivity between the iPhone and her sound processor. “It makes my bowling experience much more relaxed and enjoyable.”

Upgrading has added to Sue’s adventures

Sue is an avid adventurer with a love for nature. She enjoys the local wildlife that lives in the woods and wetlands near her home. After upgrading to Baha® 6 Max, she found her new sound processor heightened her awareness of bird song and the calming sound of rain.

“I’m more aware of the small sounds of life that I missed before getting my implant,” says Sue.

Customisation is key for Susan

With a passion for hiking, Susan had her clinician program an ‘Outdoor’ setting when she upgraded to Cochlear Nucleus® 8 Sound Processors.

“I like to hike and backpack and get on the trail several times a month,” says Susan. With her husband, she travels to a vast range of landscapes for multi-day experiences and is not phased by what they might encounter.

“There are many risks when we are in the outdoors hiking and backpacking – dangerous wildlife, sudden storms, lightning, wildfires and the accompanying smoke, running out of water, getting hurt, getting lost, and more.”

“I can hear so much more. Being able to hear seasonal streams and waterfalls from a distance, before seeing them, is beyond special. I can hear so many more birds chirping than ever before. I can hear lizards scuttle sometimes. I hear bugs making bug noises, and I can hear the breeze in the leaves.

“Recently, I got caught in an early summer rainstorm. I was prepared with a rain jacket (always!), and I loved hearing the rain falling on my jacket, on the ground and rocks around, and on the vegetation, too.”

Battery tips for your time outdoors

No-one wants to end their outdoor adventure off air. Susan has a lot of experience making sure this doesn’t happen to her.

“I don’t do anything special regarding my batteries for day hiking because the Nucleus 8 has a long battery life,” says Susan. “Mine are usually at 80% after a long day including phone calls, streaming TV and Internet content. That provides a lot of battery reserve for me in the event my hikes are longer than expected.”

However, weather conditions can affect battery life so, if it’s cold, Susan packs her spare batteries in the interior of her pack. “If it’s really cold, I sleep with them in my bag,” she says.

“When I’m backpacking, I use disposable batteries unless I’m staying out only one night. In that case I carry spare batteries, but not a charger. But I would take disposable batteries as a back-up. If I’m out for two or more nights, I take disposable batteries – plenty of them!

“Also, I make sure that my disposable batteries are fresh, and not near the expiration date.”

As for Kanso® 2 wearers, the Portable Charger can be used to charge your sound processor on the go or when it is inconvenient for you to use your Home Charger. The Portable Charger also powers your sound processor as it is charging, so you can stay on air and connected to sound when you are out and about.

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Please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Always read the instructions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information.

Views expressed are those of the individual. Consult your health professional to determine if you are a candidate for Cochlear technology.

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