Winter 2019

Winter 2019

Cochlear Family News

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Winter 2019

Cochlear Family News

A big Cochlear Family welcome to our winter issue!

We can hardly believe that 2019 is coming to a close. It seems like only yesterday that we were sharing the excitement of our Cochlear Family Celebrations in the spring and looking forward to swimming with Aqua+ in the summer sunshine.

Thankfully, winter brings lots to look forward to as well. Recipient Carly Sane will be heading out on her snowboard as soon as the snow has fallen. Meanwhile, Lennart Arlinger will be making good use of his Aqua+ for a truly Scandinavian winter activity – relaxing with friends in an outdoor hot tub. And, for sure, Karen Cooper will be enjoying her actively social retirement.

Apart from the season, our Android-loving Nucleus® 7 recipients have something else to get excited about.

Direct streaming is now available with compatible Apple and Android™ devices. This is a development that we have been working on for several months, so we are delighted that Nucleus 7 recipients can now get the full benefit of this technology, whether they prefer Apple or Android.

As usual, this issue also includes tips and tricks from other recipients that we hope you will find useful.

Now, as 2019 comes to a close, we wish you happy times ahead to enjoy the festive season and celebrate the start of a new year with your family and friends.

Here’s to your happiness, health and good hearing in 2020!

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