Winter 2020
Getting to know Kanso®2
Learning new technology is always fun! Here are five tips about new features you’ll enjoy with your Cochlear™ Nucleus® Kanso® 2 Sound Processor.
Winter 2020
Learning new technology is always fun! Here are five tips about new features you’ll enjoy with your Cochlear™ Nucleus® Kanso® 2 Sound Processor.
Autumn 2020
This should be in your calendar every three months
Autumn 2020
Five troubleshooting tips to stay on air
Summer 2020
Use the Baha® 5 Smart App to find a misplaced sound processor.
Summer 2020
With the Nucleus® Smart App, you can find a lost Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor.
Spring 2020
For Tony, the Cochlear™ Wireless Mini Mic made a trip to Russia even more memorable.
Winter 2019
Are you getting the most from the Nucleus® Smart App?
Autumn 2019
Can electricity meters affect your CIs and sound processors?
Summer 2019
Data logging and hearing trackers – do you know the difference?
Summer 2019
Baha recipients most common questions